Role: Lead Designer
Name: Sergi Pérez
My Job:
As Lead Designer, I was in charge of coordinating the design team and responsible for a good communication inside and outside the design department. In turn, I have made sure that the tasks of my team will be completed on time and trying to follow the delimited schedule, as well as defining a minimum of quality in it.
What i’ve done:
- Coordination and quality control:
- Department meetings when the project was still in its early stages. These meetings helped us to get to know each other better and start gaining confidence within the group. They also helped me to see the same situation from different points of view.
- Follow-up of assignments during classes assigned to the project (one to two per week). Individual meetings with each member of the department to keep track of tasks, find possible problems and how to deal with them.
- Follow-up of tasks remotely, sharing the design documentation in Google Drive and communicating in and out of the department via Slack. If tasks were done almost daily and the follow-up was constant, the results obtained were of better quality.
- Support the department:
- Want all members of the department to learn the essence of kart games as well as cooperative asymmetric games.
- Assist in tasks that are stagnant: UI placeholders, items documentation, basic gameplay, level design ideas, etc.
- QA and testing to acquire a global view of the state of the game design and look for improvements.
- Be transparent with the team and try to motivate them!