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The best Yo-kai racing game (probably the only one)


Role: UI Designer

Name: Samuel Navarro Sato

Profile Picture

Via Linkedin
Via GitHub

My job:
During the development of our game my main role as a team member was UI Designer. My responsibility is to devise and layout all the elements of the interface so that the player can interact in a simple and clear way and the scrum could work with it.

I have also been UI Programmer of the interface during the half of the project, coding my own design. In phases where other areas required of more programmers, I was the only programmer of the scrum.

In addition, I have been an Item Designer, specifically I have been in charge of finishing the item Makibishi (ancient japanese artifact used to slow down the enemies by placing it on the ground), and helped as Vehicle Designer, at the very early stages of production.

What I’ve done: