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The best Yo-kai racing game (probably the only one)


Role: 3D Artist and Level Designer/Artist.

Name: Roger Olasz Fuentes


LinkedIn: LinkedIn

Github: Github


Programs used in this project: Maya Photoshop SubstancePainter2

And Edwix Engine, our own game engine.

My Job:

First of all i started being 3D environment artist, creating props to use on our tracks with their concept arts or references, their UV and textures.

Afterwards on the development, when gameplay had evolved, i had to start creating (following the same method we used for the objects) models like Daruma (random box to collect in-game items) and some item like Makibishis.

Then, i had to retake two of props created by me to make a rework, because they have been created fast to fulfill the deliveries.

Finally, i turned into a level designer to modify one of the two tracks to something beautiful and enjoyable to wander, from filling the map with props to changing the entire heightmap and repainting it.

What i’ve done:

And here i show 45 min of terraforming with our engine tools (from a total of 8h for the first terrain) reduced to 3:30 min with time lapse.


And here i show 35 min of prop placement with our engine tools reduced to 2:10 min with time lapse.


To see all screenshots and gifs go here.