Role: Lead Programmer
Name: Marc Garrigo
My Job:
As Lead Programmer, my main job consisted in distributing and verifying that all tasks were completed in time and ensuring some work quality. I have been providing aid to all programmers (and non-programmers that needed to use a system) in order to improve the efficiency of the team.
As a Programmer, since my main role allowed me to have an extensive knowledge of all the systems, I have been working in different aspects of the project. My most specific feature has been the animation system.
What i’ve done:
- Base Engine
- Camera movement
- GameObject selection and hierarchy flow
- Main Menu functionallity
- Duplicate GameObjects (Ctrl + D)
- Prefabs
- Allow to create a prefab being “parent” from other prefabs
- Unlink a GameObject from its prefab
- Animations
- Animation file import (.dae)
- Skeletal animation system
- Gameplay animations programming
- Gameplay
- Bullet-Physics car driffting (discarded)
- Base item system
- UI
- HUD programming