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The best Yo-kai racing game (probably the only one)


Role: Programmer

Name: David Hernandez
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My Job:

I started as the “Level Programmer”, creating and fixing the different tools the level designers and artists were going to use, especially those regarding the terrain and the prop placement; as well as creating any features that were needed, such as the “Turbo Pads” or the checkpoint system.

Later on, I had to stop working on the terrain to get into gameplay, where i had to remove the “Bullet Raycast PhysCar” that was causing a lot of trouble and created a custom Kart from scratch, keeping Bullet3D only on the raycast and the collision detection, not the kart behavior.

From there on, i pretty much stuck working on the Kart, as well as still improving some tools for the level designers and, above all, cleaning bugs and putting out fires.

Everything i’ve done here has been in C++, using the libraries of ImGui for the Editor, MathGeoLib to handle matrix and other math, OpenGL to draw and Bullet for the collision detection.

What i’ve done:
