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The best Yo-kai racing game (probably the only one)



Name: Alexis Cosano Rodríguez

Role: Gameplay Designer

— My job —

As the Gameplay Designer, I have been in charge of creating an experience that the players will enjoy when playing the game. Since the beginning, I have been creating, balancing, modifying or testing either the karts, the players’ behaviours, the maps, the items or the camera, to see what made the gameplay worse or better and also new ways to improve it every time a problem appeared.

Trying to have a well balanced kart, with a well balanced drifting that make them enjoyable and make the players be comfortable with it is a big process of iteration, a small change can have a big impact in the game.

Apart from taking a part in creating the players controls, determine the values needed for the karts and the drifting and all the work related to testing, balancing and modification of these, I have also contributed to other aspects of the project.

— Contact me —