Role: Programmer.
Name: Aleix Borrell Vives.
My Job: First, I started by researching how to implement an scripting system. After the selection, I worked doing an scripting system in which the programmers can work with C++ in parallel. Preparing the system for working in debug and release, making the component to attach to gameobjects. Also, I added the system to the engine’s resource manager and made a guide and explain how to do scripts to the team. After I finished it, I started working with the gameplay team doing the script that control the camera position regarding the kart and doing the items, where I did the first approach of the items and after I focused on finishing the makibishis (and triple makibishis). Finally, I made that the engine can recognise the connection/disconnection of controllers in-game and the makibishi behaviour improved and fixed.
Visual examples of what I’ve done
- Script component:
- Makibishi: